$4.97 USD


MP3 Download

25 minutes
Written by Jay Earley, performed by Alexis Zielke

The Food Controller tries to regulate your eating when it thinks it isn’t good for you or might be dangerous. It believes that without its efforts, you will be out of control and ruin your life. This can result in being obsessed with food, worrying about your weight and your figure, feeling bad about your eating habits, going on diets, making resolutions, or feeling shame about lapses in meeting your eating goals.

The Food Controller may be rigid and punitive. It may have fixed and precise standards for how you should eat. The biggest problem with the Food Controller is that it may try to enforce these standards by attacking and shaming you when you fail to measure up to them. Even if the Food Controller wants what’s best for you, it often goes about this in a harsh, punitive way. It may have learned this strategy from the way your parents tried to control you as a child.

This guided meditation takes you through an IFS session in which you access this part, get into Self, get to know the part, find out its positive intent for you, and develop a trusting relationship with it.

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