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25 minutes
Written by Jay Earley, performed by Alexis Zielke

If you have a Procrastination Pattern, you tend to avoid certain kinds of action. You may avoid tasks that have to be done that you don’t particularly enjoy. You may also avoid things you really want to do, especially activities that involve taking risks and the possibility of failure. You may start a project but not stay with it or not complete it. Or it takes you so long to finish it that you miss important deadlines.

Procrastination usually happens out of awareness. People who procrastinate rarely make a conscious decision not to do something. They just go along with their lives, and after a while they realize that they haven’t done the task. They got distracted with other things. They got lost in thought. They spent time relaxing, partying, having fun. Sometimes they worked hard doing things that were less important than the task they were avoiding.

Sometimes it isn’t a specific task that you are avoiding. It is the thinking and planning that would be required for you to take action. You never seem to find the time to do it. Alternatively, you may think and plan obsessively but never actually make a decision about what to do.

This guided meditation takes you through an IFS session in which you access this part, get into Self, get to know the part, find out its positive intent for you, and develop a trusting relationship with it.

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