$4.97 USD


MP3 Download Only

22 Minutes
Bonnie Weiss, LCSW

This demonstration session shows how to work with an Inner Critic part. We have identified seven types of Inner Critics; this is one is a Taskmaster. The Taskmaster tries to get you to work hard or be disciplined in order to be successful or to avoid being mediocre.

This session was done right before this client was doing a presentation before a large audience and shortly before a stressful job interview. He begins the work with a young part who is asking Self for help and calling him “Daddy.” His usual Drill Sergeant (Taskmaster) Critic is off to the side, deflated because he sees he hasn’t been helpful. Work with the exile reveals a large-eyed infant crawling around in the presence of disapproving adults. The infant is very receptive to compassionate contact with Self. The Taskmaster, even more relieved, is happy to be transformed into a more social connector. The system easily reorganizes itself.

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