$44.00 USD


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The Inner-Critic Inner-Champion Meditation bundle contains 11 meditations dealing with different Inner Critic Types and the different types of Inner Champions that heal them.

There is a different flavor of Inner Champion for each type of Inner Critic. This means that there is a Taskmaster Inner Champion and also one to counter each of the other types of Critics—the Perfectionist, Inner Controller, Guilt Tripper, Conformist, Underminer, and Destroyer, In addition, you can invoke an Inner Champion to help you activate and live from each of the healthy capacities in the Pattern System, such as Assertiveness, Aliveness, Cooperation, and so on.

The Inner Critic-Inner Champion bundle contains the following Meditations:

1. Self-Love Inner Champion: Healing Meditation for the Food Controller Inner Critic,
2. Ease and Balance Inner Champion: Healing Meditation for the Taskmaster Inner Critic,
3. Autonomy and Self-Acceptance Inner Champion: Healing Meditation for the Molder Inner Critic,
4. Nurturer Inner Champion: Healing Meditation for the Destroyer Inner Critic,
5. Courage and Self Confidence Inner Champion: Healing Meditation for the Underminer Inner Critic,
6. Sources of Your Inner Champion,
7. Meeting Your Inner Champion,
8. Self-Care Inner Champion: Healing Meditation for the Caretaker Pattern,
9. Work Confidence Inner Champion: Healing Procrastination,
10.Ease Inner Champion: Healing Meditation for the Perfectionist Inner Critic,
11.Self-Forgiveness and Self-Acceptance Inner Champion: Healing Meditation for the Guilt-Tripper Inner Critic.


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